Pro Tip: Campaign Categorization

Pro Tip: Campaign Categorization

Are you categorizing your campaigns?

Having a system of clear naming conventions for your campaigns is critical when analyzing your data. With OtherLevels Campaign Categorization tools in our dashboard, organizing and assessing campaign performance has never been more straightforward.

Campaign categories and subcategories can be added to the Campaign Details page and should follow a specific hierarchy and format. We recommend that you develop your naming convention and urge universal adoption from your team for the best results; this includes adhering to the exact spelling, capitalization, and spacing.

Examples of message categories will vary by industry but can include, for example, promotions, announcements, jackpot alerts, and registration campaigns.

Further subcategories are optional but can include information such as the message’s specific name and/or date. If you launch a campaign without categorization data or want to add the information to past messages, no worries! This info can be added no matter the state of a message. All categorization info can be pulled from our QuickSights reports for further analysis.

About OtherLevels

OtherLevels enables sportsbook operators to activate out-of-session customers by creating personalized pre-game and in-game real-time experiences. Using live odds, betting behavior, and match context, OtherLevels connects to the operator’s existing CRM platform to deliver real-time content.

OtherLevels is a leading supplier of real-time multi-channel experience platforms for live sport and iGaming. It works in the sports betting, fan engagement, casino, and lottery sectors. OtherLevels is headquartered in Australia and has offices in Europe and the U.S.

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